Symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome can be mild to severe, and can include headaches, fatigue, loss of concentration, shortness of breath, dry itchy skin, throat & eye irratations and dermititis. Sick Building Syndrome, that is the result of poor indoor air quality, usually resolves itself upon exiting the environment. Research has shown that women are more likely to be affected by the symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome than men.
Reseach has also shown that poor indoor air quality in the workplace has become the greatest contributing factor in the development of Sick Building Syndrome leading to employee dissatisfaction. It is also known to increase employee absenteeism, turnover rates and rising health care costs for employers. Trends of smaller offices with an increasing number of employees in buildings that are becoming more and more airtight have all contributed to the rise of Sick Building Syndrome. As Carbon Dioxide levels rise, inadequate thermal comfort levels, such as temperature and relative humidity, can appear more pronounced while Volatile Organic Compounds, Mold, Bacteria, Chemicals and other stressers can also be present contributing to the severity of symptoms.
In 1984 a World Health Organization Commitee report suggested that up to 30 percent of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be the subject of excessive complaints relating to poor indoor air quality. The causes of Sick Building Syndrome have been directly linked to inadequate ventilation, chemical contaminants from indoor and outdoor souces, and biological contaminants such as bacteria, molds, pollen and viruses. The presence of Legionella becterium causing Legionnaire’s Disease and Pontiac Fever has also become more prevelent. Let Air Quality Solutions help protect you from the adverse and costly impact of Sick Building Syndrome.
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